
Supermoon - Giant supermoon will be biggest & brightest since 1948

  • Tomorrow's 'supermoon': The biggest and brightest in 68 years.
  • The full moon will make an especially close approach to Earth on November 14, offering one of the best lunar spectacles in decades.

How to See the Biggest Supermoon in 68 Years

Supermoon -  Giant supermoon will be biggest & brightest since 1948

This full moon will be not only the closest and brightest supermoon of 2016but also the largest since 1948, Bob Berman, an astronomer at the Slooh Community Observatory, told What's more, the full moon won't come this close to Earth again until Nov. 25, 2034, according to a statement from NASA. 

Look up on the nights of November 13 and 14, and you may be able to witness a historic sight: the biggest and closest supermoon Earth has seen since 1948.

The term “supermoon” is popularly defined as a full moon that coincides with the lunar orb’s closest approach to Earth, or perigee.

Supermoon - Biggest & Brightest Full Moon Since 1948