
You Have Been Using Gadgets Wrong Your Entire Life!

We all have got some habits or say unintentional habits of using our devices in the most comfortable way. When we got tired, we change to another comfortable position. But although we have listened to many people that our devices might be hurting our body, we do not try to explore that what might be the wrong ways that should be left and what are the right ways that we should adopt in our daily life.


You Have Been Using Gadgets Wrong Your Entire Life!

The position- Head down, phone at belly-button and chin tucked in.
How it is hurting- Lowering your head to text can put a force of about 60 pounds on your upper spine.


You Have Been Using Gadgets Wrong Your Entire Life!

The position- You are on your belly, resting on your elbows, legs raised upwards and the device in your hand.
How is it hurting you- This position puts direct pressure on the ulnar nerve, causing its compression at the elbow. After some time you will feel numbness and find your thumb weak enough to have a perfect grip.


You Have Been Using Gadgets Wrong Your Entire Life!

The position- You are sitting with your legs crossed and laptop in your laps.
How is it hurting- You are stressing your neck as well as your back by sitting in this position. This posture can cause the disks in you lower back to bulge .


You Have Been Using Gadgets Wrong Your Entire Life!

The position- You are doing the treadmill while your craning neck upwards.
How is it hurting- This throws your body backwards which could disturb your balance and strain your joints, muscles, ligaments and bones which can cause running injuries?


You Have Been Using Gadgets Wrong Your Entire Life!

The position- You are lying on your stomach, with your tablet on the floor and your head hanging off the side.
How is it hurting- This is not a normal position for your neck because your neck is fighting against the gravity, which can lead to a muscle strain and back pain.


You Have Been Using Gadgets Wrong Your Entire Life!

The position- Sitting in the bed with knees bent, iPad in your laps and head thrust forward.
How is it hurting- Your neck and heads are too much flexed and can lead to pain.


You Have Been Using Gadgets Wrong Your Entire Life!

You can alternate between sitting and standing every 30 minutes which can lessen you back pain problems and help you to maintain good energy.

That's it! Good luck with the learning of your daily life postures.

You Have Been Using Gadgets Wrong Your Entire Life!