
Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him

Love is an incredible thing that is hard to define. Because of this ineffability of love, the reasons to love someone are pretty much impossible to list.


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him

It can be anything from how he makes us happier to how he adds spark to our boring life. It can be the way he smiles, or makes us smile with his silly quirks. It is the little imperfections that we love in our love.

To make this interesting here is a list of reasons to love him by livingstov. Made into a cut book that could be a great present to your loves ones, this is incredible way to show affection with a bit of laugh.

Now let’s count the reasons to him.


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him


Love Actually - 12 Reasons Why I Love Him