
Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

  • Jack Ma is a Chinese billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is the founder and Executive Chairman of the Alibaba Group, a family of highly successful internet-based businesses. Jack Ma is also the first mainland Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes Magazine.
  • Former English teacher Ma captured the world stage like no other Chinese businessman in September 2014 with the record-breaking $25 billion initial public offering of his e-commerce powerhouse Alibaba Group on the New York Stock Exchange.
  • An active philanthropist, he sits on the board of the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences with fellow billionaires Mark Zuckerberg and Yuri Milner. 
  • Ma has claimed that he got rejected from Harvard 10 times.

Jack Ma: If You’re Poor At 35, You Deserve It

Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

He started his business with $20,000 that his wife and friend helped him raise. He is the first mainland Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes. He is the richest man in China and 18th richest man in the world with an estimated net worth of $29.7 billion. 

Watch: The Philosophy Of Life | LIFE Quotes | Motivation | Inspirational

Life is beautiful but it is also tough. Every picture has its two sides. Likewise if there are pleasures in life, then there are sorrows too. It is upon us how we deal with challenges.
Move on...Life goes on...!

Jack Ma states that people lose out in life because of these 10 main reasons:

Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

1. Being myopic to opportunity

Looking down on opportunities

3. Lacking understanding

4. Failing to act quickly enough

5. Get used to rejection

6. Get inspired

7. Don't complain, look for opportunities

8. Stay focused

9. Keep your dream alive 

10. Have passion

You need the right people with you, not the best people.

Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

No matter how tough the chase is, you should always have the dream you saw on the first day. It’ll keep you motivated and rescue you (from any weak thoughts).

Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

Jack Ma - How to Be Successful in Life, Amazing Interview

We’re never in lack of money. We lack people with dreams, (people) who can die for those dreams.

Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

Instead of learning from other people’s success, learn from their mistakes. Most of the people who fail share common reasons(to fail) whereas success can be attributed to various different kinds of reasons.

Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

Never ever compete on prices, instead compete on services and innovation.

Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.

Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

If you’ve never tried, how will you ever know if there’s any chance?

If you don’t give up, you still have a chance. Giving up is the greatest failure.

Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

You never know how much can you do in your life.

It’s very difficult to know the outside world, but you know yourself. You know your need and what you want. If I know myself better, I can change myself to meet the outside world.

Jack Ma's Tips For Success - How to Be Successful in Life | Inspiration | Quotes

Without internet, there would have been no Jack Ma, and no Alibaba or Taobao.

Life is so short, so beautiful. Don’t be so serious about work. Enjoy the lives.

It doesn’t matter if I failed. At least I passed the concept on to others. Even if I don’t succeed, someone will succeed.