
How People Get Smashed In Different Countries (22 pics)

In Hungary, they refuse to toast by clinking beer glasses together, as in 1848, 13 Hungarian revolutionaries were killed for leading an uprising against Austria. Their deaths were celebrated by toasting beer glasses.

How People Get Smashed In Different Countries (22 pics)

In Peru, you’ll see that when drinking with friends, it’s very typical to use only one glass. One person will take a ‘shot’ of the beer and then pass it along.

How People Get Smashed In Different Countries (22 pics)

In Australia, when you’re out with a group of friends, everyone is expected to buy a round of drinks. This act is otherwise known a ”shout.”

How People Get Smashed In Different Countries (22 pics)

In Iceland, they have two alcohol related holidays: Beer Day in March, and Verslunarmannhelgi in August.

How People Get Smashed In Different Countries (22 pics)

In Russia, you’ll often find that toasts are rather long and end with some sort of punch line. Also, empty glasses and bottles are almost always stored under the table rather than on it.

How People Get Smashed In Different Countries (22 pics)

In Kazakhstan, they have a traditional drink called Kumis which consists of fermented horse milk. According to custom, any of the kumis that hasn’t been fully consumed must be poured back into the bottle.

How People Get Smashed In Different Countries (22 pics)

In Sweden, they like to sing songs nice and loudly before and after taking shots of ‘Aquavit.’ Beer is used as a chaser after each shot.

How People Get Smashed In Different Countries (22 pics)